Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Oh yeah"-Kool Aid Man

My medically undiagnosed, first-time seasonal allergies awoke today. No amount of Aquaphor could relieve the desire to rip my lips off. I confided this much to a concerning friend, who seemed puzzled at my expression of words. I asked her, “Do you remember the red mustache I was sporting most of the winter?” 

[Sidenote: Okay, that is one of two descriptions I use when talking about the red clown ring that encircled my lips for most of this past winter. I saw three doctors beginning in November 2010 until I was referred to a dermatologist in March 2011... they have no clue as to why my lips were persistently chapped. They thought I was touching my tongue to my nose at night, which was and still is a hoot to think about. Their strongest hint of a diagnosis was allergies. To what, I asked? One doc listed, gum, mangoes, or hard candy. Anyway, the day I was seen by the dermatologist, the universe made sure I looked like a fool because my lips were back to normal...On that reference, "clown" is my second description of choice. I looked like a clown who outlined her mouth with red lipstick... and in close circles (i.e. family)... Herpes is the third description to nettle the parents] 

She nodded her head and responded, “Oh yeah... but I thought that was because you were drinking too much Kool-Aid.” 

And just for fun, here is another anecdote that displays the exquisite ruminations of a girl named Sarah and another named Xazmin.

A friend caught me off guard this weekend. Amongst a group of other women, she acknowledged a fascination with the millennium (in this case, she was referring to the thousand years that Christ will reign on the earth as described in the book of Revelations and other scriptures). She was particularly intrigued by the thought of mingling with carnivorous creatures who in that era will become docile. She bravely (and unexpectedly) posed the question, “what animal would you like to have as a pet?” She led the way by stating she would have a white tiger. Other people expressed an interest in lions. When it was my turn to respond, I honestly said, “That is a really good question that I have never considered. Animagus animal form—Yes! Patronus—Yes! But never have I been asked or ventured to ask myself this question!” In the end, I decided upon a wolf. I love wolf-like looking dogs—Alaskan malamute and Siberian Husky’s—already and so a wolf is a natural choice for me.

And for those of you who are a little bit curious about my animagus, it is a hawk or eagle and my patronus is a dolphin (if, of course, I was a wizard).

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